Saturday, March 3, 2012

School Gardeners: Share your Veggies!

Is your veggie garden going crazy with all this rain? Do you have more lettuce, chard, or kale than you and your family can eat?

Join SFC’s Spread the Harvest program and share your garden’s abundance with neighbors in need!

Many of you may already know that Spread the Harvest is the gardening and food-sharing program through which SFC provides free seeds, seedlings, and compost to low-income gardeners to empower more Central Texans to grow, eat, and share our own fresh, nutritious produce. What many folks don’t know is that this program also strives to help all gardeners share your harvest with food pantries, soup kitchens, senior centers, and other facilities that help children and adults find a meal when they are facing tough times. Because these facilities are often short on fresh produce, your home-grown fruits and vegetables are much-needed and always appreciated. As a member of Spread the Harvest, you’re welcome to collect gardening resources if you need them, or to simply join forces in the effort to share our harvest with those in need.

When you join Spread the Harvest, we’ll send you a packet of information that includes a list of all the food pantries in Travis County that accept donations of fresh produce, along with instructions for dropping donations off at each facility. Grow Local is trying to expand this part of Spread the Harvest, so please tell your friends to sign up, too! To learn more and download an application, click here. Let’s show that home, school, and community gardeners can make a huge difference for Central Texans in need!

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